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Fresh news and updates of AlterCPA products, as well as unique information from the world of affiliate marketing, which will help you multiply your income in the traffic arbitrage industry.

Content marketing for affiliate network

Content marketing for affiliate network

Conventional advertising tells a person: “Look what a product! Beautiful, profitable, just a dream”. Content marketing is much more subtle, more elegant. First, we give a person interesting content that is useful to him or at least interesting. And already inside this content, with varying degrees of sophistication, we talk about the product.

How to build a call center

How to build a call center

I’m sure if you see how packs of leads fall into trash, and it’s harder to wait for approval than real innovations in iPhones, then you conclude that call center employees are crooked stutterers who can’t sell anything to your hot leads.

Verticals overview: nutra

Verticals overview: nutra

As part of this series of articles, we have already discussed gambling and crypto. The rubric is designed to help novice affiliate program creators understand the intricacies and peculiarities of creating such a specific business in different verticals. Nutra is an extremely interesting thing, and the affiliate network also works under special conditions. I think even guys with experience will get useful theses and thoughts from today’s material.

Healthy marketing for your affiliate network

Healthy marketing for your affiliate network

Affiliate programs that were created three to five years ago and managed to survive are now doing relatively well with the base of affiliates. Due to the crazy variety of affiliate programs, many scam stories and fierce market dynamics, 99% of new networks close in the first six months. They don’t have a media resource, they don’t have good marketing, and as a result, they don’t have affs. And how to attract publishers?

Verticals overview: crypto

Verticals overview: crypto

In the previous part of this series, we talked about launching our affiliate program in the gambling vertical, you can read it here. Today we will plunge into a completely different industry – crypto. There are a lot of features for creating an affiliate network in this niche. But, like gamble, crypto is an extremely monetary vertical and any mother moneymaker can envy the income of even medium-sized affiliate programs.

AlterCPA Pro v.26

AlterCPA Pro v.26

Remember, remember the 4th of September … What? Wrong month again? Oh shi… So, along with the fourth of September, AlterCPA Pro version 26 breaks into our lives! This release has private sites and new statistics, and the rest of the trivia will be found further.

Verticals overview: gambling

Verticals overview: gambling

If someone thinks that an affiliate program in gambling is at least somewhat similar to an affiliate program in shopping or sweepstakes, you are greatly mistaken. These are radically different businesses, different partners, different problems. Let’s take a look at how to search for offers and attract affiliates.

Life hacks: how to catch a frauder

Life hacks: how to catch a frauder

There is no perfect protection against fraudsters. It will always be a race to see who is smarter and more cunning. Our task is to make it so difficult, hemorrhoid and risky to deceive and pharm that the vast majority will simply be killed. Or they will go to another affiliate network, where there is less smart leadership.

Mask site domain: 4 ways for any case

Mask site domain: 4 ways for any case

We continue the topic, how affiliate networks can protect the contacts of its direct adverts. In this article I will tell you how to technically implement the described methods. It’s about masking the domain of the site. Of course, you can use these methods not only to protect the contacts of the advertiser, but also for other purposes. It all depends on your imagination.

How can affiliate network protect contacts of direct adverts

How can affiliate network protect contacts of direct adverts

I have already told you how you can find the contact of almost any direct advert in the cryptocurrency vertical through an autologin link. It’s time to find ways to protect yourself. Affiliate networks try to hide the contacts of their advertisers, otherwise some of the affiliates will stop sending traffic through the affiliate program, or competitors, having received the contacts of the advertiser, can connect it to themselves.

Never loose your affiliate registrations

Never loose your affiliate registrations

Because of this problem, affiliate networks are losing affiliates and profits. One of the main objectives of the affiliate program is to attract as many affs as possible. The publisher generates traffic, and hence profits. The affiliate network invests kilobucks of dollars in advertising of various types, but at the same time they make a banal mistake that cuts off a huge piece of effort. By solving a banal thing, the network will get more webs, and, accordingly, more profit. What is this mistake? And what is the right way to avoid it?

How much money do you need to open shining beauty affiliate program?

How much money do you need to open shining beauty affiliate program?

We have already calculated how much money you need to open an affiliate network at minimum wages. The answer will definitely surprise you! And now about the “beauty”. Let’s go without further ado, let’s go …

How much money do you need to open an affiliate program at the minimum?

How much money do you need to open an affiliate program at the minimum?

I promote a healthy approach to building a business in the form of my affiliate network. In any case, I sincerely consider it sound. Get started quickly and cheaply. You can throw money away for a bunch of cool and even useful stray in the form of your own engine and a large staff of hipsters later. But it’s better to spend on blackjack, rum and…

DreamTeam: whom to hire to make the network work beautifully

DreamTeam: whom to hire to make the network work beautifully

We have already discussed how many people are needed to open an affiliate network at the minimum wage. This option is suitable for those who want to quickly and cheaply test a hypothesis and develop the enterprise in case of initial success. What if we want to get down to business right away? Have you attracted a lot of investments and are doing an adult affiliate program? Or another situation. We created an affiliate program at the minimum wage, everything went up and it’s time to grow. Who to hire?

How many people do you need to start at minimum wage?

How many people do you need to start at minimum wage?

The answer is simple. We need one person. Well, at least two. And a cat. Life is no good without a cat. Double the cat sounds not bad. This post could have ended. But I feel like I need to explain a little.