There is a topic in our community that is rarely discussed among the masses and remains the lot of smoking rooms and kitchens. Conferences. Are they needed at all in 2023? Who cares to go there? What to expect? How to behave correctly? What goals to set and how to achieve them?
Developer blog
Fresh news and updates of AlterCPA products, as well as unique information from the world of affiliate marketing, which will help you multiply your income in the traffic arbitrage industry.
Your network has a place in the cemetery!
How to determine in five minutes that you are opening a stillborn affiliate program? Very often, a couple of minutes of communication with a future businessman is enough to understand that his project is already dead, at the stage of conception. Given that I have a platform for affiliate networks, I have been communicating with this audience very often over the past several thousand days. The eye is trained, the conclusions are made, and today I will share them here.
How does the cloak actually work?
“We have the most impenetrable cloaker”, “We use artificial intelligence to analyze traffic”, “We analyze SSL fingerprints”. Such statements from the creators of the cloakers are a great way to attract new gullible customers and raise the price at least an order of magnitude. To understand why all this is nothing more than marketing, you need to understand how the cloak work from the inside. That is what I will tell you today.
AlterCPA Pro v.28
Who joked about “Club 27” in the last version? It didn’t work, we are releasing AlterCPA Pro v.28 right on schedule. There will be nothing particularly outstanding in this issue: a pinch of artificial intelligence, a new service, completely new statistics … What, I’m trying to hide?
Create affiliate support department
The final love or hatred for the affiliate network will depend on 90% of the support and affiliate managers who communicate with the aff almost daily. In this article, I will give a dozen practical tips that, I hope, will help you build a support department for a healthy person. Or fix the current one, if you already have an active affiliate program, but you notice that too many affiliates fall off for no reason.
Hacks: save $50k at the start of affiliate program
At all times, there were two ways to get an engine for your affiliate program: develop it yourself or take a ready-made boxed solution in the spirit of AlterCPA Pro. Own development costs well for $50,000 and takes about six months. But it gives flexibility and the ability to integrate any functionality that the soul desires. A boxed solution is dozens of times cheaper, but you have to be content with what the developers of this boxed solution allow you to have. But now that balance has been upset. Because AlterCPA got the hacks section!
Funnels and where they live
Funnel, crypto-offer, crypto – it is an analogue of a native and understandable product offer, but with its own small specifics. When working with crypto-offers, it is important to correctly identify the funnels and correlate them with the entities of the created offers. Unlike a product, where the dick extender cream of a specific name remains the same in any affiliate program, the same names for crypto do not always guarantee that this is the same offer. How to figure it out if you can not rely on the names?
Affiliate network marketing anticase
In the fall, I talked about affiliate marketing in this article. One of the messages was that targeting is significantly inferior to content marketing in terms of effectiveness. There are several reasons, but the main …
Autologin URL: no save no cheat
In this article, I again want to such a part of the process of sending leads of crypto traffic as an autologin link. What it is? When the lead clicked on the ad, read the success story on the pre-lander, went to the landing page and left his or her registration data there, they go to the broker via the API. The broker, in turn, returns the autologin link that the user uses to get into his personal account inside the Elon Musk System. The link only lives for a couple of minutes, and it is necessary for the lead to follow it right at the moment of its creation.
Integration with ZaleyCash
The ZaleyCash service allows you to top up your balance in advertising accounts from FB and Google to your favorite teaser nets. But most importantly, affiliate networks can top up the webmaster’s account through the usual withdrawal mechanism. Inside AlterCPA, you can do this automatically – the affiliate orders a withdrawal and the money itself appears in his account in ZaleyCash.
AlterCPA Pro v.27
While you were distracted by interesting articles in my blog, I silently brought AlterCPA Pro to the 27th version! In this issue: hacks, applications, advertising networks, two -factor authentication and a pack of useful little things.
How to kill an affiliate network with DDoS and how to protect
Do you want to kill a competing affiliate network on a couple of days? Or do you want to multiply the risks of getting such a bullet into the server? A DDoS attack puts the server down due to the huge flow of requests. The method is not new and there are many supposedly “methods” of protection. The most common is CloudFlare. But it won’t help you, and here’s why…
Application rental with TD Apps
We are implementing full support for rental applications from the TD Apps vendor directly to the AlterCPA personal account. The kit includes integration with the rental service itself, ready-made naming, adding applications to your advertising account, and optimization.
Postback security with AstroProxy
My article on how to properly kill affiliate networks with a DDoS attack will be released soon. It is better to prepare in advance and protect your network in the most non-obvious direction – to hide the real source of your postback requests.
Verticals overview: financial
Why a huge part of traffic arbitrage is gray niches: gambling, crypto, nutra, dating, adult? The answer is pretty obvious. There is a lot of money in these verticals. Huge demand, large invoices and payments allow you to give more dollars to the partner who brought the client. However, there is a niche that is not inferior either in demand, or in the size of invoices, or in marginality. She is completely white and fluffy. This is the vertical of finance.