Offers form the basis of the affiliate network functionality. Work with offers is carried out in the "Offers" section of the system management. Only system administrators have access to setting up offers and their sites. This section is not available to advertisers because it requires special skills.

Creating an offer

To add an offer, click "Create" and fill out the form, which will set up almost the entire offer in one step:

  • Name. Short and concise title that is shown in lists and statistics. Don't put the full name here, affiliates will hate you for the crashed tables!
  • Section and Additional section. Link the offer to the corresponding sections, the list is configured in "Control - Datasets".
  • Full name. Here you can specify the name of the offer in its entirety, for example, "Fenechka Brain Enlargement Tool" instead of "Fenechka" from the name.
  • Image. 400x250 pixel JPEG file. Any other format will not work. Other sizes are not recommended for standard design.
  • Working mode. Determines which sections to show in the order card - products, address, shipping or nothing.
  • Country. Geography of the offer. You can select from the list or click on the button on the right above the field and specify the list of ISO codes separated by commas.
  • Commission work model. Our vision of CPA and CPL work models described in the manual. You probably don't need to change this field.
  • Webmaster and advertiser fees. Adds a default fee, specific country and user fees you can configure later.
  • Company. Default lead recipient. You can set up cunning distribution of leads from one offer to several companies.
  • Parameter name and value. Used for quick integration settings. Most often, the integration contains only one parameter - the ID of the offer or flow.
  • Offer privacy. Defines the access rights to the offer, more details are described below.
  • Template. Allows you to automatically configure important parameters - create custom fields, site dummies, select the offer display format.

Basic options

Determine the appearance of the offer, its descriptions, categories and special notes.

  • Name for customer. Displayed on websites and offer showcase. Not shown to the webmaster.
  • Priority. The higher the number, the higher the offer is in the list. The sorting of offers can be changed in the advanced system settings.
  • Exclusive and top offer. Adds relevant tags to the offer and search by them.
  • Add to the home page. Shows the offer on the home page of the network without authorization. The home page is changed in the system appearance settings.
  • Add to offer showcase. The offer is displayed in the site storage showcase, if it is active.
  • Short and full description. Displayed on the offer page. A short description can also be displayed in the list of offers if you activate it in the advanced settings.

Working with leads

The section for working with leads defines the main functions of the offer, such as the CPA model, linking to a product or external format, support for goals and hold.

  • Work model. Responsible for the relationship between lead status in CRM and lead status at the webmaster. Described in detail in a separate manual.
  • Supplier hold. Enables the "second call" mode and allows you to delay lead confirmation to clarify details.
  • Action after the hold. Specifies whether to confirm or cancel the lead automatically, if this was not done manually during the hold.
  • Webmaster hold. Delay payment for an order after it has been confirmed in CRM.
  • Automatic confirmation of leads. Useful for SOI offers. Can also be customized at the goal level.

The offer mode determines how the operator's lead card will look like.

  • Merchant offer: classic version with a full lead card. It contains the order contents and the full delivery address. Please note that automatic region detection and statistics by regions of leads are available only for merchant offers.
  • Info-product: a convenient option for working with services and virtual goods. This type of lead contains a product card but does not contain extended delivery data (region, city, street, address). The country of the lead is always present.
  • Lead: shortened version of the lead form. It lacks both a product card and delivery data. This option can be useful for cold calling or support services.


The geography of the offer is configured in the "Countries" field, there is no binding to other geographical units. Please note that this list defines a number of features for working with geo:

  • Leads that come from countries outside the specified list will not be rejected by default. It is far from always possible to trust the country that was received along with the lead, so you cannot reject a lead whose country at first glance seems incorrect. To block leads with geo errors, use the corresponding parameter.
  • This list is used by the trafficback analyzer in flows and TDS. If the webmaster uses trafficback in his flow, then all users whose IP address does not fall under the list of specified countries will be sent there.
  • In the "Offers" section, prices, statistics and commissions by country are specified for this list. Fees are calculated automatically for each webmaster.


An offer can work with goals according to one of three possible algorithms:

  • Single goal, separated by country. The best option for working with commodity offers. All leads of the offer are tied to one goal, the calculation of EPC, CR and approval is carried out depending on the country of the click and the lead. When viewing an offer, a list of countries is displayed.
  • Multiple goals without country reference. The best option for working with non-commodity offers. Each lead is tied to a specific goal, the commission amount can be set depending on the goal. When viewing an offer, a list of goals is displayed, setting up countries from the paragraph below is optional.
  • Multiple targets divided by country. Combines both previous options. When viewing an offer, a list of goals with a list of their respective countries is displayed.

When using goals in offers, you can set up statistics so that leads with different goals are displayed in different columns. To do this, use the "Statistics blocks by goals" section in the "Control - Settings - Datasets" section.

Important! When working with the "Sign up + Deposit" model, you do not need to set the corresponding goals. Just use the creation of a new lead for registration and its confirmation for the deposit.


Prices for the offer and products are set depending on the list of countries specified in the offer settings. To set the prices of the offer, use the button "Prices" in the list of offers. If you have activated the nested products of the offer, go to the "Items" section and use the "Prices" button already in it. Detailed settings are described in the section "Prices, products and sets".


Parameters are settings for offers with arbitrary names. They are used in integrations and fine-tuning of the offer. You can specify them by clicking the "Parameters" button from the list of offers.


The offer needs at least one website to work - landing or redirect site. There are four types of websites you can create:


The offer has several privacy settings that are responsible for its visibility in the list of offers and availability for webmasters:

  • Active. Shows or hides the offer in the lists, without affecting the availability of the offer for uploading traffic via the API or from sites. Useful for customization and to hide an offer before disabling it.
  • Privacy of the offer. Defines the operation model: public, private, or a mixture of both.
  • Black and white lists. Responsible for webmasters, agencies and arbitrage teams who have or don't have an offer.
  • Block traffic. Hides the offer from all lists and blocks traffic, regardless of other settings.

There are three types of offer privacy:

  • Public offer. Available and visible in the list to everyone except the blacklist. You can use the whitelist for exceptions to the blacklist, for example, hide from the whole team except for one person.
  • Private offer. Available and visible only to the white list. You can use the blacklist for specific exceptions, such as hiding an offer for a specific webmaster from the team.
  • Visible offer. Visible to everyone in the list, but only the white list has access to traffic. White and black lists are configured like a private offer. Access to the offer is issued upon request in technical support.

The blacklist and whitelist contain identifiers of webmasters, agency affiliates, and arbitration teams. Identifiers are specified in a line separated by commas.

  • The webmaster or the entire agency. Specifies the user ID. It can be found in the "People" section. The user ID for the agency can be found under "Agencies" in the second numeric column of the table. Important! Dont enter the ID of the agency itself here, only its user! For example: 1, 2, 3.
  • User or traffic source within the agency. Specify the agency ID (agencies section, first column of the table) and, separated by a hyphen, the source ID that the agency passes in the exts field. Important! You need the agency ID, not the user associated with it! For example: 2-123, 2-345.
  • Arbitration team. Arbitration team identifiers are indicated with a minus sign. This allows them to be distinguished from users. For example: -2, -5.

A list with users 1 and 2, team 5 and webmasters 17 and 42 from agency 8 will look like this: 1, 2, -5, 8-17, 8-42.

Traffic distribution

Lead distribution settings are described in in a separate guide. You can set up a default company and specific distribution scripts for the following situations:

Technical capabilities

In this section, various functions of the offer and flows that are created on it are configured.

  • Create leads via API. Mandatory setting for all offers, except for external. Disable it for external. Allows you to send leads not only from sites in storage, but also via API.
  • Working with trafficback. Turns on trafficback for everyone. It is recommended to turn it on only for trusted webmasters and turn it off at the offer level.
  • Deeplink URL. Adds a field with a target link to the flow settings. Useful for large websites and online stores.
  • Iframe pixels. Activates an arbitrary tracking code for external offers.
  • Custom header and footer code. Activates custom tracking code for offers in site storage.
  • Traffic sources. Allows you to specify the traffic source for each flow.
  • Promotional materials. Adds a section where you can upload materials for webmasters: creatives, photos, certificates, videos.
  • Products and prices. Adds a list of products and the ability to set their prices into offers and streams. The basis of dropshipping.
  • Commissions depending on the status. Allows you to set different commissions depending on the status of the lead. Useful for dropshipping.
  • Upsell and cross-sell fees. Allows you to change fees for upsells and cross-sells. Useful for tracking call center costs.
  • Dropshipping commissions. Adds settings for fees commissions on the cost of the order and its parts. Use in conjunction with commissions by status.
  • Link and code. Sets the visibility of the link and symbolic code of the flow. The link is needed for web traffic, the character code is for naming in applications.
  • Analytics systems. Changes the composition of fields for analytical tools: counters and pixels.
  • Stop words. Allows you to cancel leads with the specified words immediately after they enter the system.

Custom fields

The offer allows you to change the composition of the fields in the form, remove existing ones and add new fields.

  • Fields list: sets additional fields that appear in the manual lead submission form and the lead processing form for operators in CRM. The list format is described below.
  • Hide fields: allows you to hide the main order fields from operators in the order edit form or from webmasters and agents in the manual lead submission form.
  • Required fields: determines which fields must be filled in when submitting a lead in any form or when a lead is confirmed by an agent in CRM.

The list of custom fields is specified in the offer settings. It must be specified in the code name format. In this case, the code must be a set of Latin characters in lower case. The name is indicated through a space and can be any convenient for the operator. The name should not contain words in square brackets - they will be removed. Field configuration parameters are written in square brackets. Parameter values are separated by a colon.

  • [type:number] - sets the field type: number, date, datetime-local, email, password, tel, file.
  • [required] - makes the field required.
  • [step:0.1], [min:100], [max:200] - step, minimum and maximum values for a field of type number.
  • [len:100] - the maximum number of characters for the text field.
  • [placeholder:Your email] - the placeholder value for the field.
  • [default:100500] - specifies the default value for the field.
  • [select] - makes a drop-down list out of the text box. Be sure to include the available options.
  • [options:One|Two|3=Three] - specifies a list of options for the dropdown list. Options are separated by a pipe. To specify a value for an option other than its name, use the equal sign.

An interesting list of additional fields might look like this:

needpark Need parking [select] [options:Yes|No]
color Prefered room color [select] [options:g=Green|b=Blue|w=White]
arrive Date of arrival [type:date]
rooms Number of rooms [type:number] [default:1]
persons Number of guests [required] [min:1] [max:10]
passpost Main guest password scan [type:file]

File size limits are set in the advanced system settings, the standard limits are: maximum size - 2 MB, storage time - 3 days, after which the files are deleted.

Postbacks for optimization

You can set up general postbacks to optimize traffic at the offer level. This is useful for working with applications and rental systems. Offer postbacks work on the same principles as regular postbacks for webmasters. They do not have any special secret parameters that are not available to webmasters.