External offers do not have a built-in "Thank you" page, its implementation depends entirely on the advertiser. We can suggest three ways to solve this problem.

Advertiser can use iframe

More often than not, an advertiser can place an iframe with the required address on their Thank You page. It can be added as a link or a full embed code.

Preparing offer: enable iframe

Go to offer settings. In the "Technical capabilities" section, find the "IFrame pixels" item and select the work model that suits you.

We can show both system and custom pixels in an iframe. System pixels are pixels that the user sets inside the flow by specifying identifiers.

Custom ones are set by pure HTML code. If an advertiser supports setting iframes not only on the Thank you page, but also on the main pages of the site, you can allow users to put a different code for these pages.

Preparing redirect sites

To display a pixel, you need to tell the target network the necessary data: domain and flow ID. We transfer this data to free SubIDs in the tracking link. You need suitable titles from your advertiser. For example, we will use sub3 and sub4.

We will pass the domain for pixels to work in the sub3 parameter using the {host} macro, the flow identifier - in the sub4 parameter using the {flow} macro. Add to the link:


The link might look something like this:


Installing an iframe on an advertiser's site

The target address of our iframe should look like:


Where instead of r.domain.ru we put address of our site repository, and instead of 1234 - the identifier of the user flow. Substitute our variables {sub3} and {sub4} instead of them and get the address:


In your case, the appearance of the macros {sub3} and {sub4} may differ, check with the advertiser for the correct appearance.

As usual, the advertiser does not support specifying a simple link to the iframe and asks for the entire code. It looks like this:

<iframe src="https://{sub3}/thanks-{sub4}" width="1" height="1" />

In rare cases, an advertiser supports the installation of an iframe on all pages of the site. If you need such an implementation, the iframe link looks like this:


With macros:


Full code of the iframe:

<iframe src="https://{sub3}/pixel-{sub4}" width="1" height="1" />

The advertiser can set counters and pixels

Sometimes the advertiser can install the necessary pixels on their side on their own. To do this, we must pass the identifiers of the required pixels to the advertiser. This is done via the redirect URL in the redirect site settings.

Macros correspond to the fields in the flow settings of the affiliate:

  • {fb} - Facebook pixel ID.
  • {fbe} - Facebook conversion symbol code.
  • {ga} - Google Analytics or Tag Manager counter ID.
  • {gad} - Google Analytics conversion symbol code.
  • {tt} - Tik-Tok pixel ID.
  • {lki} - Likee pixel ID.
  • {mt} - MailTarget counter ID.
  • {mtrk} - Yandex.Metrika counter ID.

You need to check the target parameters with the advertiser. For example, if an advertiser uses the FBpixel parameter to get the Facebook pixel ID, we append the following tail to the redirect URL:


The general view of the redirect URL might look like this:


In the settings of the redirect site, it is recommended to check the "Do not pass GET parameters from the original request" checkbox to avoid superfluous parameters overlapping.

The advertiser doesn't use any Thank you page

Unfortunately, this is the most common option. We recommend using ad network postbacks for conversion tracking.

When working with Facebook, affiliates can use S2S pixels by default. This pixel is sent from the server when a conversion occurs. To use it, you need to get an authorization token and specify the pixel ID.

When working with other ad networks, the affiliate can send the click ID of the ad network to one of the SubIDs and use it inside the postback.

We automatically collect the click ID from the parameters: fbclid, gclid, adclid, unique_id and uid. The affiliate can use them in macros: {fbclid}, {gclid}, {cuid} - these macros are identical to each other, choose the name for convenience.

In addition, the following tags are available to the affiliate:

  • utm_source, up to 255 characters, macros {utms} and {utm_source}
  • utm_campaign, up to 255 characters, macros {utmc} and {utm_campaign}
  • utm_content, up to 255 characters, macros {utmn} and {utm_content}
  • utm_term, up to 255 characters, macros {utmt} and {utm_term}
  • utm_medium, up to 255 characters, macros {utmm} and {utm_medium}
  • subid or x32, up to 32 characters, macros {subid} and {cx32}
  • uuid or x64, up to 64 characters, macros {uuid} and {cx64}

For ad network postbacks, it is recommended to use advanced postbacks. They are set not in the stream settings, but directly in the "Postback" section. To create a postback, use the "Add" button. The postback supports sending a POST request, including in JSON format.