You can receive notifications about the arrival and change of leads using postbacks. Use them to integrate with trackers.

Postback types

There are two types of postbacks available to you: main and additional. The main postback is configured globally and within the stream, additional postbacks are created in the "Postback" section.

Main postback

It is set globally in the "Postback" section or in the settings of each flow.

  • There can only be one. If specified in a flow, the global one is ignored.
  • You can specify which statuses will be triggered. At the same time, if only certain statuses are selected in the flow, the global postback will work on the rest, if set.
  • Agencies can set their own postback separately for each of the statuses.
  • Protected from double sending - if the postback has not changed when changing the status, there will be no resending.
  • Perfect for working with trackers.

Additional postbacks

They are configured in the "Postback" subsection of the "Flows" or "Traffic" section.

  • There can be as many postbacks of this type as you like.
  • Support adding the POST part of the request and sending it in JSON.
  • Can be global or linked to the offer and its goal. One postback can be linked to only one offer or one goal of the selected offer.
  • Not protected from double sending - they are triggered every time a suitable change happens in the status of the lead.
  • Useful for setting up notifications in Telegram, Facebook and other third-party services.

Postback URL

Parameters in the postback link and its POST part are specified using macros.

Tracking parameters

When submitting leads, you can use these macros and URL parameters of the same name to specify a unique visit ID and other necessary information.

We use twelve subid tags with unique names, each up to 255 characters:

  • {subid} - contents of the subid parameter.
  • {sub1} or {subid1} - contents of the sub1 parameter.
  • {sub2} or {subid2} - contents of the sub2 parameter.
  • {sub3} or {subid3} - contents of the sub3 parameter.
  • {sub4} or {subid4} - contents of the sub4 parameter.
  • {sub5} or {subid5} - contents of the sub5 parameter.
  • {uuid} - contents of the uuid parameter.
  • {utm_source} - content of utm_source tag.
  • {utm_campaign} - contents of the utm_campaign tag.
  • {utm_content} - content of the utm_content tag.
  • {utm_term} - content of the utm_term tag.
  • {utm_medium} - content of utm_medium tag.

Conversion status

We use several options to send the conversion status. You need {stage}, you won't need the others.

Symbolic lead status {stage} can take the following values:

  • wait – lead in processing
  • hold – hold
  • approve – lead approved
  • cancel – lead canceled
  • trash – trash

Numeric lead status {phase} can take the following values:

  • 1 – lead in processing
  • 2 – hold
  • 3 – lead approved
  • 4 – lead canceled
  • 5 – trash

You can use your own values instead of these statuses. To do this, use the macro {phase:Processing|Hold|Accepted|Cancel|Trash}, in which specify your status instead of the selected ones. For example, a macro of the form {phase:0|0|1|2|2} will return 0 for processing, 1 for approved, and 2 for a rejected lead, while {phase:P|P|A|D|D} is perfect for OctoTracker.

In addition to the main status, we can provide you with the reason for the refusal in the {reason} macro. Standard list of reasons for refusal:

  • 1 – Incorrect phone (trash)
  • 2 – Changed his mind
  • 3 – Did not order (trash)
  • 4 – Requires certificate
  • 5 – Wrong GEO (trash)
  • 6 – Trash or test (trash)
  • 7 – Duplicate order (trash)
  • 8 – Ordered elsewhere (trash)
  • 9 – Expensive
  • 10 – Not satisfied with delivery (trash)
  • 11 – Could not get through (trash)
  • 12 – Possibly fraud (trash)
  • 13 – Speaks different language
  • 14 – Product did not fit
  • 15 – Offer disabled
  • 16 – Consultation

Unique click ID

Ad networks may transmit a unique click ID on their side. We store this variable in the {cuid} macro for all ad networks we know about. You can also use familiar aliases for this macro:

  • {fbclid} - Facebook click ID
  • {gclid} - Google click ID
  • {ttclid} - Tik-Tok click identifier
  • {adclid} - classic click ID of teaser networks
  • {unique_id} - classic rental app click ID

Agency specific parameters

When working as an agency, you send us your click ID and source ID. To get them, you can use the following macros:

  • {extu} - unique lead or click identifier sent in the extu parameter.
  • {exts} - source or affiliate identifier sent in the exts parameter.

Lead commission amount

We pass the commission amount in the macro {cash} for leads in any status. Sometimes you may want to receive the amount only for approved leads, and in other cases, receive zero. To do this, you can use the following macros:

  • {cash} or {price} - shown in any status
  • {paid} - only shown in approve status
  • {hold} - only shown in hold status
  • {holded} - shown in hold and approve statuses

Extra parameters

You can use additional data about your lead to refine statistics.

  • {id} - unique lead ID on the AlterCPA side
  • {offer} - offer ID
  • {offername} - offer name
  • {flow} - flow ID
  • {site} - landing ID
  • {space} - prelander ID
  • {mobile} - sign of mobile traffic (0 - desktop, 1 - mobile)
  • {ip} - IP address of the lead
  • {geo} - two-letter ISO code of the country of the lead
  • {goal} - symbolic goal identifier (if available)
  • {date} - lead arrival time in UNIX timestamp format
  • {now} - postback send time in UNIX timestamp format
  • {rand} - random integer
  • {currency} - three-character lead commission currency code
  • {custom} - text status of the lead from the supplier's CRM (if available)
  • {domain} - the domain lead came from
  • {source} - symbolic identifier of the traffic source
  • {click} - click ID in AlterCPA (you don't need it)

Postback log

We store all sent postbacks in a log. You can find the log in the "Flows - Postback" or "Traffic - Postback" section by clicking the "Log" button.

In the log, you can view all sent postbacks filtered by order or flow ID. To view the details of the request, click on the zoom button.

You can resend any postback. Important! This method is only suitable for resending the same postback that did not reach due to your tracker freezing. Sending will pass on the same URL on which it was executed earlier. To repeat the sending of new postbacks, for example, after changing them in the flow settings, contact the technical support of your network.

For administrator: resending postbacks for the affiliate is performed from the "Control - Settings - Utilities - Leads and Orders" section. Check the box "Resend postbacks" and specify the criteria by which to send them - affiliate ID, offer, period, list of leads.