Working with traffic

All work with traffic is done using flows for webmasters and tracking links for agencies. Work with flows for webmasters is carried out in the "Flows by offers" subsection of the "Traffic" or "Flows" section, work with links for agancies is carried out in "Link generator" subsection of "Traffic" section. Get started by creating your first flow!

Flows list for webmaster

All the flows you work with are collected in the "Flows by Offers" section. It is not recommended to delete flows that are still being worked on - in this way all statistics of new clicks and leads will be lost on them. The flows table contains:

  • Title of the flow, used for ease of reference only.
  • Offer to which the flow is attached. The offer cannot be changed.
  • Flow metrics: CR, EPC, approve, total earnings.
  • Link or character code of the flow.
  • The button to open the link of the flow to be checked.
  • The button with statistics menu for the selected flow.
  • The button to open the offer to which the flow is attached.
  • The button to create a new flow for the same offer.
  • The button to clone the whole flow with new name.
  • The button for flow settings. The setting can change the link!
  • The button to delete the flow. Don't delete active flows!

Creating a flow for webmaster

Flows are created from the "Offers" section - it contains all the offers that you can work with. The algorithm of work is as simple as possible:

  1. Go to the "Offers" section of the sidebar.
  2. Find the offer you are interested in.
  3. Click on the "Create a new flow" button.
  4. If this button is not available, request access to the offer from your manager.

After creating a flow, a page with its settings will open.

Flow settings for webmaster

The flow settings page may vary from offer to offer. Some sections may be missing.

  • Flow link. Shown above and below the setup form. Use this link to send web traffic.
  • Character code of the flow. Used instead of a link for offers working through applications. Contains naming for the advertising campaign.
  • The name of the flow. It is used solely for your convenience, you can enter whatever you want here.
  • Landing. Contains a list of available landing pages of the offer and their success statistics. Select the landing page you need with a tick. When you change the landing page, the link often changes as well. Sometimes a landing page can be downloaded.
  • Prelanding. Contains a list of prelanding, if any. Not required.
  • Setting price tags. Used in offers based on the dropshipping model. Allows you to specify prices for products on the site and the discount percentage.
  • Link settings. Allows you to change the appearance of the link and bind the link directly to the domain, as described below.
  • Deeplink URL. A link to a specific page within a multi-page offer, such as an online store.
  • Filters and trafficback. Link or site to redirect traffic with wrong geo and bots. Read more in the traffic filtering guide.
  • Postback. Link and trigger statuses for the postback of the selected flow. Read more in the postback guide.
  • Tags and identifiers for analytics systems. Usually they contain SubID, UTM tags, and pixel IDs. See the tracking guide for details.
  • CPC macro and its currency. Used for cost analytics in teaser networks.
  • Custom pixel code for website and Thank you page. Used in external offers, inserted via iframe.
  • Custom header and footer code. Used in local offers, inserted directly to all pages of the site, including the Thank you page.
  • API documentation. If you have access to sending leads via the API, a button will appear at the very bottom of the page that opens documentation with link examples and ready-made files.

Link generator for agency

Agencies cannot work with flows, they work with offers directly. To get a link, go to the "Link generator" section of the "Traffic" section and do the following:

  1. Select the required offer from the list.
  2. Specify the required landing and prelanding (if necessary).
  3. Enter the Click ID and Webmaster ID macros you use in the appropriate fields.
  4. Copy the link shown at the top of the page.

Agency links support all macros available in streams. See the tracking guide for details.

Downloading ready-made sites

When working with classic offers, you can download ready-made customized website archives.

  1. Find the desired site (landing or prelanding) in the list on the flow page.
  2. Find the download button for this site and click.
  3. In the form that opens, select the desired geo for which to set prices, and the tracker used to insert the desired code.

Agencies can also download ready-made websites customized for their IDs. To do this, you need to download the site directly from the "Offers" section.

When downloading the site, you can configure the parameters for tracking visits and conversions:

  • Embed tracker and cloak. Adds traffic filters that are configured in the flow to the site archive. Counting targeted and filtered clicks is supported. If a white site is specified in the filtering settings, it is added to the archive automatically. With this checkbox, the archive becomes a ready-to-use bundle.
  • Pixels are not needed at all. Does not add third-party pixels and analytics systems, such as Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and others described in the tracking guide.
  • Pixels without JavaScript. When adding pixel code, it uses their shortened noscript version. Such pixels increase the performance of the site and its loading speed.
  • Pixels only on thanks page. Adds pixel embed code only to the thanks page, while the code that saves pixel IDs in cookies remains on the site itself.

Important! The landing archive will only work if you have access to the API itself! Check it with your personal manager. The API is always available for agencies. The prelandings don't require API access.

Customize the link appearance

You can customize the appearance of the link that the system will generate. Any link format will work, regardless of the settings in the flow.

  1. Normal link. Contains a direct link to the target site and a complete list of all parameters, including the flow ID and UTM tags. Changes when any flow settings are changed. Does not use redirect.
  2. Short link. Contains a short link with a numeric flow ID. Only UTM tags are specified in the parameters. Does not change when the flow parameters are changed. Uses a redirect to the target site.
  3. Encrypted link. A short link that uses its internal code instead of a numeric flow ID. Also uses redirect.
  4. Direct link. Uses an encrypted link, but opens the target site without a redirect, directly from the specified link. For external offers, it works like a regular encrypted link.

You can change the domain in the link by selecting it in the corresponding field. If the network provides several tracking domains, there will already be a ready-made list. If the network works with one tracking domain, you can park your domains yourself.

When working with parked domains, you can take full advantage of direct links. To do this, park the domain to the system, select it in the flow and click the "Glue domain" button. The direct link will open directly on the main page of the selected domain without redirects. It works even more interesting with split tests.

One domain can only be associated with one flow or split test. If someone has parked the same domain as yours and has already linked it to the flow - contact your personal manager to eliminate these inconveniences.