
Documentation for affiliates working with networks and trackers based on AlterCPA.

Working with traffic

All work with traffic is done using flows for webmasters and tracking links for agencies. Work with flows for webmasters is carried out in the "Flows by offers" subsection of the "Traffic" or "Flows" section, work with links for agancies is carried out in "Link generator" subsection of "Traffic" section. Get started by creating your first flow!

Split tests

Split tests allow you to analyze the success of creatives and sites, filter traffic, automate the selection of the optimal bundle, and work with lead limits. All work is done in the "Split tests" section of the "Traffic" section for both webmaster and agency.

Tracking and pixels

You have several options for tracking and traffic analytics in AlterCPA: UTM tags, integrations with trackers, advertising network pixels, tracking codes for analytics systems, arbitrary code on websites.

Tracker integration

AlterCPA-based networks have a built-in tracker, but no one prevents you from using familiar third-party solutions. You can use postbacks and ready-made site archives for your favorite tracker.


You can receive notifications about the arrival and change of leads using postbacks. Use them to integrate with trackers.

Traffic filtering

The traffic filtering mechanism allows you to redirect traffic that does not fit in geography to another flow, offer or third-party site. Traffic can be sent via a redirect, an iframe display, or a direct request to the target resource.

Domain parking

You can work directly with the network site storage, but it is recommended that you use your own separate domains. Work with your domains is carried out in the "Domain parking" subsection of the "Traffic" section.