Working with applications

You can use the AlterCPA external offer API for tracking within your applications. There are no ready-made instructions, we can only offer our vision of the process. The specific implementation is up to your developers.

We do not consider here the connection process using standard tools and third-party tracking services. It corresponds to the classic external offer and described in the first article of the section.

Traffic delivery process

There are two main ways to advertise applications - using a tracking link and direct advertising within social networks such as Facebook. Usually, these scripts are used together.

In the first case, the visitor follows the link provided by the webmaster and ends up on the app install store page. After installation, the application does not contain any data about the visitor, but his visit is recorded in the database.

In the second case, the user installs the application directly using the social network, without going to third-party sites for tracking. After installation, the application can get the identifier of the advertising campaign for which the installation was carried out through the social network API.

First launch of the application

The user most often launches the application immediately after installation. So we can get data about the source of the visit.

We assume that our application has the following properties:

  • The application contains the API key of the site associated with it on the network and the offer ID.
  • Social network SDKs are integrated into the application and can receive the advertising campaign code.

When launched, the application accesses the SDK of the social network and tries to get the name of the advertising campaign. If successful, it is saved locally and used later as the flow code.

In case of problems with getting the flow code, the application calls the "Fetch click ID" function and gets the click ID. Stores it locally for later use.

What's next?

The application retained the flow code or click ID. Perhaps both at once. With them, you can implement different scenarios of behavior.

Notify about the installation

The classic version of working with applications is payment per install. After starting the application and receiving identifiers, we send a request to lead by click generation function.

Confirmed registration

The best payment option in the application is confirmation of the target action. For example, completing application setup or user registration. To do this, we use the lead creation function at the time of the first launch of the application and status change function when performing an action. In this case, you must use some unique identifier. For example, device ID.

Working with WebView

A common case - displaying the target site in a WebView window inside the application.

  • An easy option is to get the flow data using this function and show the content from the flow link.
  • The best option is to take a ready-made target link and insert the resulting click ID into it manually.
  • An interesting option: create a hidden redirect site inside the offer, get the flow ID according to the available data, direct the user by the URL of the hidden site with the selected flow ID.