Landing on home page

Any affiliate network needs a beautiful landing page. You can host it on a separate domain or embed it directly into the AlterCPA home page for unauthorized users.

Before you start, go to the "Control - Settings - Skins" section and activate skins support. Create new skin to use it on your network.

Technical requirements for layout

You can rework the finished layout yourself or immediately transfer our technical requirements to your layout designer. A site designed according to these requirements is pulled onto the system within a couple of minutes.

  • The login link should point to /login or /signin
  • The registration link must point to /register or /signup
  • The password recovery link should point to /recover or /forgot
  • Using the registration form on the landing page is undesirable
  • The login form should use the fields in_user for login and in_pass for password, action /login, method post.
  • All CSS files must be located in the path /skin/xxx/css, for example /skin/xxx/css/main.css
  • All JS files must be located in the path /skin/xxx/js, for example /skin/xxx/js/script.js
  • All images should be located in the path /skin/xxx/img, for example /skin/xxx/img/logo.png
  • All other resources must be located in folders inside /skin/xxx and have corresponding absolute paths to this folder.

In this memo, replace xxx with your skin folder. In case of difficulties in understanding on the part of the layout designer, explain that you can only use the safe path skin with a subfolder, other paths can be used by the system in its needs.

Adding your landing page to the system

After receiving the finished layout from your specialist, you need to connect it to the system. Ideally, this should be done by a technically competent specialist.

  1. Connect via FTP to your server.
  2. Go to your network folder and open the skin folder, and in it your skin folder.
  3. Upload the css, js, img and other resource folders from the layout into the skin folder.
  4. Go to "Control - Settings - Skins", open the "Templates" of the required skin.
  5. Find the home file in the list of templates and click "Add".
  6. Click "Edit" next to the added home file.
  7. Copy the contents of the layout file index.html into the editor and save.
  8. Go to "Control - Settings - Appearance"
  9. Check the box "Use front page instead of login form" and save.
  10. Open your network in a private tab and enjoy the new design.

If the layout is prepared in accordance with the requirements, your new landing page will open. In case of problems, it may be necessary to rework the layout and specify the correct paths.

Inserting data into the landing

You can paste data from settings into the main page. Part of the texts and data is configured in the "Control - Settings - Appearance" section.

  • site - site name from general settings
  • title - title from appearance settings
  • descr - subtitle from appearance settings
  • text - text from appearance settings
  • footer - site copyright from general settings

Keys for IFSET blocks:

  • hasnew - news available
  • hasoff - offers on the homepage available
  • hasrec - recent offers available
  • hastop - top offers available
  • hastrb - block for recent or top offers available

The news block with news supports fields:

  • id - news ID
  • cid - news category ID
  • cat - category name
  • color - category color
  • icon - category icon
  • date - date of publication in the format DD.MM.YYYY
  • time - smart date of publication
  • title - news title
  • image - link to news image if available
  • descr - news announcement
  • text - full text of the news
  • url - link to news

Blocks with offers can be of three types:

  • offer - offers on homepage
  • top - top offers
  • recent - recent offers

Offer blocks support fields:

  • id - offer ID
  • name - full offer name
  • short - short offer name
  • safe - safe name for alt attribure
  • cat - offer category name
  • url - link to the offer
  • image - offer picture
  • cr - conversion, two decimal places
  • epc - EPC, two decimal places
  • app - approve, integer
  • price - maximum commission for the offer (only offer block)