Users can receive bonuses for the traffic they attracted and spend them through the internal store of your affiliate network.

What does the user see?

All users who have access to work with traffic have a new section in the menu - "Bonuses". It has three subsections:

  • Gift shop. On this page, the user can see the list of gifts that he can purchase with his bonus points. With the "Available to me" checkbox, he will see only products for which he currently has enough bonuses. On the product page, the user can apply for its purchase.
  • My purchases. Here, the user's applications for the products of the gift shop are collected. According to completed applications, the user can open a specific product and see previously hidden instructions for receiving his prize.
  • My bonuses. List of all bonus points movements on the user's account. Incoming points for approved leads, applications for goods, completed purchases.

The number of points on the user's account is shown on each page of the bonus section. It is also displayed on the main page in the finance block and in the navigation bar.

Setting up your bonus program

The bonus program is managed from the "Control - Settings - Bonuses" section. To get started, go to the "Settings" section and prepare the point calculation itself.

Basic settings

Important! The bonus program can be separately enabled and opened for everyone. When the bonus program is enabled, the process of calculating bonuses goes on. When it is open, bonuses and the gift shop are visible to users. That is, you can turn on the bonus calculation itself, let the first amounts accumulate on users' accounts, and only then open it for everyone.

  • Enable bonus program. Activates the process of calculating points for approvals.
  • Show bonus section . Controls the visibility of the bonus program for users.
  • Approve. A fixed number of points that a user receives for an approved lead.
  • Commission. The coefficient with which points are awarded depending on the amount of the affiliate commission.
  • Profit. The coefficient with which points are awarded depending on the profit of the affiliate network.

Bonus formula

The formula for calculating points in the bonus program:

approve + affiliate x commission + ( advertiser - affiliate ) х profit

In this formula, approve, commission and profit are specified in the settings above, affiliate is the commission per lead that affiliate receives, and advertiser is the lead fee paid by the advertiser. To calculate the amount, the main system currency is always used, regardless of the currency of the lead itself.

Coefficients are not percentages. This is exactly the multiplier by which the commission is multiplied. If you want to give 3% of the commission as a bonus, you need to specify a coefficient of 0.03. If the coefficient is zero, then the amount of commission or profit is not included in the calculation.

Setting commissions within the offer

Using the offer parameters, you can set special commissions for it. Offer commission settings take precedence over system commissions. The following parameters are used for this:

  • bonus-app - fixed amount per approve
  • bonus-cash - percentage of affiliate commission
  • bonus-profit - percentage of network profit

Setting commissions within the user

You can issue individual commissions for the user according to a simplified scheme. To do this, open the user settings in the People section and check the box "Use special settings for the user" in the "Bonus program settings" section. User fees settings take precedence over offer fees and system fees.

Setting up products in the gift shop

Before adding products to the store, we recommend that you prepare their categories. Working with categories is performed from the "Control - Settings - Bonuses" section by clicking the "Categories" button or "Control - Settings - Datasets" by clicking the "Bonus store" button. The category is given a name in Russian and English. You can also add a description that will be displayed above the list of products in the selected category.

Work with the goods of the gift shop is performed from the "Control - Settings - Bonuses" section by clicking the "Products" button. Here you can add a new product by entering its name in the form above the table. In the form that opens, specify the rest of the product settings:

  • Active. Enables the display of the product in the store. Inactive products cannot receive new applications, but old applications are processed without problems.
  • Name. Displayed in the product list.
  • Description. A short description is displayed in the list of products directly below the title. Convenient for specifying a specific model or color of a product.
  • Text. A full description is displayed on the page of the selected product.
  • Price. Bonus points amount.
  • Picture. JPEG format, recommended size is at least 400 pixels wide. Optimally about 1000x800, it will fit automatically.
  • Limit. You can limit the total number of applications for this product for the entire time of work. Please note that the number is calculated for the entire time. If you made a promotion for 100 products, and then want a promotion for another 100 products, specify a limit of 200 items.
  • Hidden text. Displayed on the product page after at least one application has been approved for it. Allows you to specify useful instructions for receiving the goods, for example, activating a promo code.

Prepare all the goods before you open the shop to users.

Application processing

All applications from users are displayed directly on the main page of the "Management - Settings - Bonuses" section. Applications are processed manually by the administrator.

The responsible administrator reviews incoming applications. The process of executing requests is entirely the responsibility of the network administration and is under its control. In the "Info" column, by clicking the "User" button, all the user's contact details are opened, by which he can be contacted. The "Product" button opens the page with the selected product.

After discussing all the required issues with the customer, the administrator confirms or rejects the application. The "Accept" button marks the application as completed and it disappears from the list. The "Delete" button cancels the application and returns the bonus points to the user's account. In case of an erroneous confirmation of the application, it can be found in the "Journal" section and canceled.