AlterCPA Pro v.23

AlterCPA Pro v.23

Winter is coming! Oops, it’s already here. And along with it, the stable release of AlterCPA v.23. This version has: new caps, new referral program, new traffic filter, new spend import, new themes, a bunch of new little things, and in general, the New Year is coming.


You have asked us for a long time to add caps – a mechanism for calculating traffic by offers, affiliates and advertisers. The first version is ready, give it a try.

  • Caps calculate the amount of traffic taking into account the period, lead status, source, recipient, geo and offer.
  • Based on the cap, you can distribute traffic among companies.
  • In the management section, caps are organized by tags for easy checking of the available number of leads.

We plan to expand and develop this mechanism in the next versions, add its support to commission payments.

Referral program

We have greatly simplified the work with the referral program – we have added a special “easy mode” settings to it.

  • Access to the referral program is open to both all network users and specific people.
  • Simplified commissions have appeared. Previously, the referral commission was set up separately in each offer. Now it can be set globally by specifying the percentage of commission and network profit.
  • Simplified deductions can be set for specific users, offers and users in an offer.

Traffic filtering

We have radically improved the AlterCPA One cloud traffic filtering service and transferred its useful improvements to AlterCPA Pro filters.

  • Simplified the filter settings interface – divided it into basic and advanced settings.
  • Made a generator of a ready-made filtering file. It supports five insert methods: redirect, local file, CURL request, iframe, WordPress.
  • Implemented a whitelist of IP addresses. It is useful for testing and analytics.
  • Added sections for summary statistics by dates and sites.
  • We wrote detailed documentation on the filter and working methods. It was posted on the AlterCPA One website.

Importing spend

We have added automation to the process of importing advertising spend. The spend analysis itself has been around for a long time, but it required either specifying the cost of a click in the link, or using the API.

In the updated version, you can unload expenses without third-party “crutches” using the built-in ones. Enter the data for access to the advertising network and we will pull everything out ourselves.

The first integrations were our favorites – the MGid teaser network and, of course, Dolphin for Facebook. Now everyone, except the prime-billers, will be able to estimate their real ad spend on the world’s most popular social network.

Want us to add your favorite tool or ad network? It couldn’t be easier, just send us the API documentation.


In previous versions, we added the ability to style the interface without tedious digging on the server. This time we have brushed our standard skins and added some new designs for you.

Boostrap 3

An ancient evil has awakened! No, you have not gone back ten years. Yes, we decided to shake things up. The result is a great lightweight skin with a horizontal navigation bar. It comes with 17 design options, including some great dark themes.


A classic front-end theme with a sidebar. Very similar to pure Bootstrap. But with a side panel. But almost Bootstrap. Like this.


A beautiful and light design option in the most light design. Great for styling your corporate needs. Any accent color looks beautiful on white.

Nice and useful improvements

Not all of the tweaks are big enough to merit their own personal headline, but it’s worth mentioning!

  • You can connect sites to Tilda almost as full-featured landing pages, with tracking support and work with the shopping cart.
  • A new method of integration has appeared – checking statuses by date range, ideal for working with financial and crypto offers.
  • Any manipulations with withdraws are now accompanied by an email notification. This is very useful if your wife orders the withdraw when you forgot to lock your laptop.
  • In statistics reports, you can include additional columns with useful data. We recommend adding CPC and ROI statistics there.
  • For security purposes, you can enable proxies for outgoing requests, such as postbacks and importing ad spend statistics.
  • Automatic creation of an archive for sites now allows you to insert a beautiful field for entering a phone number with a country code without dancing with a tambourine.
  • CRM received updated extended statuses and simplified work with them in the order list.
  • It has become easier to distribute orders by time, you can specify the time zone and not think about manually changing the clock.
  • Domain parking tools have been integrated with the PrivateFlare website protection service. We will tell you what this secret product is in the next issues.